“Great players come from - great athletes!” 


Today’s competitive nature of sports dictates that you develop and coach youth athletes by developing their specific sport skills at the expense of their athletic development; more specifically, trying to create great players without first creating great athletes. Game speed, agility, quickness, conditioning, and nutrition are assumed to be gained as the result of practice or left to the thought of you either have it or you don’t. Athleticism can be taught and when combined with the specific skills of a sport, you have yourself an incredible athlete.

The Difference

I do not coach a specific sport or a specific sport skill. I leave that to their sport coach. What I do however is I coach the basics of biomotor skills that will help the athlete perform at their best for their chosen sport. I assume nothing and work each athlete as a body that needs and can perform better. I cover all of these basic skills as inclusive of my coaching and customize based on a needs analysis of the coach, parents, and/or athlete:


  • Individual or Team Speed Coaching and Development

  • Individual or Team Strength Training Programming

  • Nutrtional Advice, Lessons, and Tips