A Heartfelt Thanksgiving Wish
In what always feels like the blink of an eye, summer has ended, fall happened somewhere shortly thereafter, and the holiday season is upon us which seems to begin earlier and earlier each year! Alas, in the speed bump month known as November we get to celebrate what I think is the most special holiday on our calendar – Thanksgiving. It’s a perfect time to reflect and be grateful for all that we have and endured to have, regardless of race or beliefs. And yes of course, there’s that wonderful feast centered around food without all the extra “distractions” and stresses. Thanksgiving has different meanings for everyone but I wanted to share with you some of the things I am most thankful.
I am sincerely grateful for:
My wife and son . Every day they are the reason to keep pushing on whether it be for work, a competitive event, or life in general. They’re who I start and end every day with and nothing could be more comforting.
My parents. They nurtured me to become the man I am today and I now appreciate their wisdom more as an adult with my own family than I did many years ago.
My family, including my siblings, in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews. We share the greatest time and memories and we’re together more in a year than most families are in several years.
The friends and acquaintances I have made throughout the years. I truly believe the people you meet in life are not by chance and I have been blessed.
All of my clients, past and present, who I’ve had the opportunity to work with on many levels. They’ve not only made it possible for me to do what I love but have made me a better professional. They’ve put their trust in me as a source of honesty and integrity and I would never jeopardize or take that for granted.
My health. I've had my share of my own hiccups and certainly no comparison at all to the really tough journeys some others face, but I work at it daily through exercise, nutrition, and my lifestyle and I'll never take it for granted.
My mentors and coaches. Through the years I've learned to assimilate all of the great advice along with all of the not so good or poor examples and cherish it all as lessons to make me a better person.
The men and women who protect our country. Their service and dedication is priceless and in the current state of our world today is more critical and appreciated than ever.
Thanksgiving is more than just a “kick-off” to another season so enjoy it for what it truly is. Eat what you want, drink what you like, and celebrate whatever is most important to you. On a health note, don't make yourself crazy worrying about calories or overeating. It is but one day and one day is not going to magically sabotage any of your efforts, especially if your dietary habits are good year round. Oh, and one more little tidbit on fitness. Going to a marathon workout either before or after the festivities to get ahead of or burn the calorie surplus is a loss in futility. It simply doesn't work that way; yet another lesson that it's not what you do but how consistently you do it.
Wishing you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving!
Til next time, train smart, eat well, and be better.