I wanted to thank you. You helping me to take care of myself truly speaks to how staying physically fit matters.
Diane M.
It was important to us to reach out to you and thank you, as there's no question in my mind that Sydney really took it to the next level after she began to work with you. Thanks so much for all your help, it means a lot.
Ryan F.
Thank you for taking the time and effort to work with me the past year and a half or so and helping me to grow as an athlete and as a person in general. I love how you make working out so fun – it’s not just running and strength work-you make things personal and I can tell you care a lot about not just me but all of your clients, and I appreciate that a lot. Once again, thank you so much for all of your help and support!!!
Haydn H.
I have been reading your email newsletters. They are very informative and have been instrumental in triggering my desire to be in better health. Believe it or not I have lost 29 pounds over the past 3+ months by design and have begun to get back into some form of shape by bike riding and walking nine holes while carrying my bag. I feel great and have developed an entire new energy level with this weight loss. My blood pressure medication is 25% of what I was taking before. Another 8 pounds and I will be down to the weight I was when we married. I have completely changed the way I think and approach not only by health and fitness but my work and personal life. You see, I did learn something from your teachings and readings; it just took a while for me to process it.
Mike C.
Just want to say thank you again for all that you have done for Grace! Honestly you have been such a positive influence and inspiration to her- it’s hard to even measure it in words or dollar amounts! Thank you again! I know you will be a part of her athletic career throughout HS and possibly college – it’s a comfort to know that you are there and will be there for her in that regard! Thanks for making this world a better place! I seriously mean that!
Elaine M.
The best thing about Jeff, besides his knowledge, expertise and caring personality, is that he will/can customize a training plan for what you will need.
Beth R.
We cannot begin to thank you enough for everything you've done for Haley. You have not only made her stronger, faster and quicker, but you've encouraged her, gave her knowledge about her body and inspired her to be a better person and athlete!! You should be proud of your efforts and your business. We are very fortunate to have met you and are very glad you are part of Haley's, (Hannah's - future) and our lives!!!
Beth W.
Thank you so much for all the hard work you did with the girls. I know that Lindsay thought it was a great experience and will definitely give her a boost of confidence about her capabilities. She was always afraid to challenge and felt like she "wasn't fast enough", but I've seen her go outside of her comfort zone since she started coming. It was great for her to hear the praise for her efforts as well. Again, thank you so much and hopefully she'll get the opportunity to work with you in the future. She has hard work ahead of her this summer to get prepared to play at Gettysburg.
Cheryl C.
I've trained with Jeff for over 10 years now. I started training with him when I got engaged back in 2002. I had found the perfect dress & needed the body to pull it off. I continued training with Jeff even after our wedding. He taught me it wasn't about looking for a quick fix, or fixing this body part, but making it a part of my lifestyle. He taught me how to train properly through 3 pregnancies, he tailored exercises to make me strong for delivery and of course post baby recovery. Here I am 13 years & 3 kids later and I'm in the best shape I've ever been in thanks to Jeff's knowledge and him constantly tailoring my workouts.
Becca R.
I just wanted to tell you thank you! Thank you for taking me on again as your client and helping me train for the Philadelphia Marathon. You were truly positive throughout the whole process and never doubted my success. I don't believe that I would have met my goal without you! Thanks again and hope to work with you again soon!
Megan C.
Jeff is a highly personal, proactive and deeply committed individual with detailed knowledge of exercise physiology. He is unquestionably the most patient individual of my acquaintance. I can recommend his professional services without hesitation.
Dr. Tom D.
I would strongly recommend Jeff as a personal trainer to anyone who is serious about physical fitness. Not only is Jeff extremely well versed in exercise physiology, he practices his profession with a passion for his clients' success. I have worked with him to develop and maintain different exercise and diet plans which have led to significant improvement of my cycling abilities. In fact, I recently met with Jeff to determine a new plan of attack toward reaching my fall and winter goals. Even when I falter or lack motivation, Jeff has been there to keep me focused and on track. Without hesitation, I would recommend him to anyone who is interested in better health and physical fitness.
Tom B., Esq.
Jeff is very knowledgeable not only as a personal trainer but also how the body works as a whole. I have gotten excellent results on a personal level, and feel more fit now than when I was younger.
Diane M.
I am visiting my oldest daughter (who is 25) that I haven't seen in a few months and she said "my you are getting skinny"
Deb H.
Thank you so much! You have made me so much stronger and wiser about my body. The confidence I have now going into tryouts is all because of you. My game has improved so much! I feel stronger, faster, and quicker. Thank you soooo much.
Haley W.
I am feeling good. I have noticed I have more energy. I am not as tired anymore either which is really nice.
Kelli W.
YOU are amazing....I thought when I got in the car yesterday that after I drove for a bit and got out of the car again that that muscle may have tightened up and I would have to work on it again, but no, the pain stayed away. I thought that after I had been sitting for awhile wrapped in my fuzzy Eagles blanket watching the Phils in my sweats that when I went to get up, the pain would be there, but no, the pain stayed away. I thought after I went to bed and lied there for 6 hours that I would get up in the morning and limp a bit as I usually do, but NO THE PAIN STAYED AWAY. I have had that pain for 5 years. Recently, as I told you, it has been as bad as it ever has been. Now it is gone and I mean GONE. I can walk, I can stride, and I can move. I can stand up without pain and without looking like I'm an old arthritic woman! I can brush my teeth over the sink, shave my legs, the list goes on and on.....I could move mountains!!!!! My low back does not hurt today. You must have isolated the entire problem, because today, There's no price for that. I could cry I'm so thrilled I can't even put it into words. I could go to doctors, orthopedics, physical therapists, chiropractors, and no one really had the time or the inclination to really figure what the problem was. BUT YOU DID. The absence of that pain in my hip is nothing short of astounding. I've lived with it for so long and now it's gone. How do I thank you for that? I did my best to keep a positive attitude and say that things could always be worse, but the truth is that pain really affected my everyday life in ways that I tried to ignore or minimize, but it was always there. I feel a million times better today than I did yesterday. So, thanks. That doesn't seem like enough, but it sums it all up. Thank you. Very Much.
Ann R
"My wonderful trainer, Jeff, and I have been working together for over 4 years. He has become an important person in my life and a good friend. He is intuitive, smart, funny, and understands my capacity to become stronger and healthier. Don't deprive yourself! Ask Jeff to change your life, too.”
Nancy T.
"I have been fortunate to know and work with Jeffrey on several occasions over the past couple of years. As a personal trainer, he is always supportive and motivational. He genuinely cares for his clients and wants to see people reach their personal goals. I have returned to him on several occasions including preparing for my wedding in 2007 and I have also referred several people to him including my own mother. I trust him completely and consider him to be not only a great resource but also a dear friend."
Sarah W.
"I have worked with Jeff for a few years and have consistently found him to be an outstanding fitness instructor. Jeff is results-driven and designs plans that will help anyone reach their respective fitness goals. He inspires people and engages them in each activity. I highly recommend Jeff!!"
Robb M.
"Working with Jeff was a very rewarding experience. Jeff is very professional and takes the times to listen to his client's needs. He tailors the workouts to each individual client. He is very creative in the use of weights and machines and always pushed me to the next level whether I was ready or not. I had great results and have seen great results on other clients of his as well. I highly recommend Jeff to transform your life!"
Alison H.
"I have had the opportunity to hire Jeffrey as a personal trainer on numerous occasions. Jeffrey’s knowledge, thoughtfulness and professional attitude is second to none. I would highly recommend Jeff to anyone that is looking to develop an exercise regiment for a short or long term commitment. Jeff is always ready willing and able to work with me and for me to work towards the common goal of getting fit and healthy."
Michele A
“To think that two and a half years ago I was at 24% body fat, which I hear is about normal for a woman my age. Being that I am never happy with my measurements, I knew I had to work my butt off (literally) to change my body fat percentage. With personal determination and of course my personal trainer, Jeff Harrison, I was on my way to being a healthier and losing fat! Now having 16.9% body fat, I knew I had reached that certain goal I was hoping to reach in my later twenties! My advice to anyone who’s willing to listen is, “It takes time, motivation, and having a partner to work with you, you can achieve your ultimate goals.” Thanks Jeff!
Loredana P
As you know, we have been working together for the last year. During that time you have taken me from 190 pounds to 175. My bodyfat has dropped from 18% to 11.5% and there have been numerous other improvements.
I recently had my annual physical and I think you would like to know the results. I will live another year for us to work together. In addition, my cholesterol dropped from 237 to 217; LDLs went from 113 to 110 and the HDLs went from 80 to a phenomenal 99! My hear rate is at 45 and the cardiologist characterized me as a “conditioned athlete.”
Your workout program and dietary suggestions really work. Thanks for your help and I look forward to our continued relationship.
John L.